tropical palm trees with a turquoise ocean and blue skies with pictures of items you need to bring to Fiji such as sunglasses, flip flops, sandshoes, sun hat, camera and sunscreen.Here’s a list of items you may want to consider packing for your Fiji vacation: 

1. Sunscreen: the sun in Fiji can be quite strong, so it’s important to protect your skin.

2. Hat and sunglasses: protect your face and eyes from the strong Fijian sun.

3. Comfortable walking shoes: if you plan on doing some hiking or exploring, it’s important to bring comfortable shoes.

4. Swimsuit: Fiji is known for its stunning beaches and crystal clear waters, so you’ll definitely want to pack some swimwear.

5. Camera: Most people travel with a smartphone which can take great vacation snapshots however you may want to consider a waterproof camera to take photos when you are snorkelling or diving.

6. Light weight clothing: Fiji has a hot and humid climate so shorts, t-shirts and dresses are recommended.

7. Waterproof case for electronics: If you plan on spending lots of time on the beach or near water activities, consider bringing a waterproof case for your phone, camera, etc.

8. Insect repellent: There can be mosquitos and other bugs in Fiji, so a good repellent can really come in handy.

I hope  this list helps and feel free to email me if you want to check availability or need help planning your vacation to Fiji

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Moce Mada
