Lavena coastal walk with waterfalls falling straight from the rainforest to the oceanBula, 

The Lavena Coastal Walk is a favourite excursion to explore when you visit Taveuni. Let us take you to see the waterfalls cascading into the ocean and take a rainforest hike to see the waterfalls and rock pools where you can enjoy a refreshing swim.

Lavena Coastal Walk is definitely a must do for you and our knowledgable guide will be delighted to share lots of local information with you.

Along the trail, you’ll likely encounter a variety of unique wildlife, including colourful birds and exotic plants. The diverse ecosystem of Taveuni Island contributes to the richness of this coastal walk, making it an unforgettable experience for nature enthusiasts.

Whether you’re seeking adventure, relaxation, or a chance to connect with nature, the Lavena Coastal Walk is sure to provide a memorable experience. From the vibrant flora and fauna to the breathtaking views and tranquil swimming spots, this trail offers a slice of paradise for all who venture along its path.

Moce Mada
